"The LORD your God is with you, He is mighty to save.  HE will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing."  Zephaniah 3:17

We are in an unprecendented time in the history of our nation and world.  The Coronavirus (Covid-19) is spreading worldwide with tragic consequences of infection and death.  Our own country is taking steps to combat this disease by medical testing and treatment, isolation, social distancing and sheltering in place at home.  We are all facing fearful circumstances, but should we manifest a spirit of fear that seems to overwhelm us each day this situation develops and grows?


The nation of Israel in the Old Testament faced many times of danger from the outside and from within.  Enemies wanting their destruction waited at their gates.  Faminie, disease and plague would often beset their nation.  In all, our Sovereign God ruled from heaven and permitted things to happen that would drive the nation toward repentance and revival.  The prophets spoke as God's voice and validated His Word.


How will we as Christ followers respond to this virus crisis?  Can we hear God's voice of comfort, strength and guidance?  Will we heed the spiritual lessons being taught?  Our Almighty God and our Heavenly Father desires to draw near to us by His Spirit and reassure us of His love and plan for our lives.  We trust completely in Jesus Christ our Savior, Sanctifier, Healer and Coming King....We pray you will be encouraged this day as we wait on the LORD!

We invite you to worship with us on Sundays at 6650 Hawaii Kai Drive 2nd floor. Please park in the building's basement parking lot and not in the lot next to the 7-11 store.


Mailing Address:

6650 Hawaii Kai Dr, #107

Honolulu, HI 96825

Ph (808) 395-0272


PARK in the Building's Basement



9:00am Adult Education

10:15am Worship, Instruction and Praise



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A Great Commandment and Great Commission Church
